IAAD Conference - 6TH MAY 2022

With Guido Fichera - A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity to see a World Class Lecturer
- Guido is a world class lecturer and focuses on the clinical tips and techniques that will improve your restorative tips and tricks.
- Author of scientific publications and lecturer in national and international congresses, conferences and courses. He carries out clinical research activities and practices in Monza, Italy, dedicating himself to fixed prosthodontics, restorative dentistry, orthodontics, gnathology, periodontics, implantology, oral surgery and interdisciplinary rehabilitation of complex cases.
- Guido will discuss the diagnostic processes and the clinical strategies that can be used to achieve a successful outcome in complex interdisciplinary cases with secondary malocclusions and force control issues
DATE: Friday 6th May 2022
TIME: 9.00am - 5.00pm
LOCATION: Titanic, Belfast
IAAD Members - £245
Non IAAD Members - £295
Technicians, DCPs and FD1 Dentists - £95
Limited places available so BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW